Combat Considerations
- makes the game in the game more interesting by providing more NPC interactions
- enables more tactical decisions in combat
- adds more strategic decisions about which of the available companions has a better synergy with the PC
- different followers add more variety
- there could be quests with weak or overpowered followers
Evasion and Reflex
- explains why are skimpy armors as good or better than bulky ones
- more tactical choices: fast with low defense x slow with high defense
Evasion when attacked the first time
- provides the opportunity for cooperation, e.g. fast companion with a light attack removes the evasion and distracts the enemy and then the PC hits very hard
- rewards correctly used presence (when completely surrounded character with lower presence will probably get attacked only once)
Initiative based on Reflex
- more benefits for the fast characters
- on the other hand, it might be beneficial to attack last after the enemy cannot evade anymore
- more varied enemies; very fast x very slow
- the small randomness in the calculation of initiative should add more uncertainty and thrill while remaining mostly predictable, has to be calibrated well
- very fast characters will be able to attack twice per round which would be totally badass
Chance to miss
- more attacks would be necessary to kill the enemy, making the combat longer
- it would not make it more interesting, could cause frustration
- encourage boring waiting and evading combat until the attribute recharges
Critical Lucky Hits going through Evasion and Armor
- some high-level enemies might be hard to kill
- high-level PC with high evasion or/and armor will be practically invulnerable, this will keep the combat risky
- different weapons might have different critical hit chances, providing more variety
- there could be actions, perks, effects adjusting the critical hits probability
- affecting both evasion and armor makes things simpler and easier to balance
Armor bonus added to hp
- simple and clear
- not mechanically interesting
- hp gets ridiculously high
Armor as a separate bar
- more mechanical possibilities
- could not be fixed with potions, would require repair skill
- armor repair skill would encourage adding crafting which I do not want to add
- armors could be destroyed which would expose PC
- but it would make the player lose an irreplaceable piece they might like
Armor as number subtracted from the attack
- seems the most realistic
- weak enemies would not be able to penetrate the armor, making fighting them tedious and pointless
Armor as percent reduced from the attack
- weak enemies can still hurt you
- armor and evasion are equal(!):
10 attack dealing 10 damage = 100 damage
50% evaded = 50 damage
50% armor damage reduction = 50 damage
Potions could be used on an ally
- less realistic
- enables more tactic or strategic choices (one character to focus on damage dealing and the other on support)
Potions are more powerful
- potions are no longer a free action, which of allies use the potion is a tactical decision
- they have to be powerful enough to be worth combat action
- drinking dozens of potions was tedious and gamy and they took too much space in the inventory
- tactical decision whether to wait and risk to use the full potential effect of the potion
Immobilisation (Stun or Entangled) results in an automatic Critical Hit
- stun or entanglement became more powerful
- provides an opportunity for cooperation, one ally immobilizing the enemy and the other dealing the damage
Weapon types
- more weapons provide more motivation to loot and more tactical decisions